How to Catch a Bass
Learning something with practical examples and practicing it at the same time makes the entire lesson very easy to comprehend. When learning how to fish for bass, or any fish for that matter, it is crucial that you practice the basics and fine tune your techniques.
Many people make use of artificial lures. In most of the cases, the top water lure moves on top of the surface of water with the intention of drawing up and attracting a bass that ideally will find the lure attractive and strike it. Many consider this technique to be the most exciting as the bass makes all sorts of noises and is likely to splash when/if it gets hooked. The amount of action and excitement that accompanies a large bass striking a lure is one of the aspects of bass fishing that makes it a favorite past time for many sportsman.
Bass angling can also be done with a ‘jig,’ a type of lure that goes down to the bottom of the lake and allows one can ‘jig’ it up, and down. This type of lure is most effective during the winter months or when fishing in early spring.
Some anglers prefer a different kind of bait, such as plastic worms, plastic lizards or plastic crawfish. These lures are often called “critters.” The black bass in particular loves these type of baits, the same way they love the live baits; minnows and earth worms… baits that encourage a natural instinct driven strike.

The tackle used when bass fishing is of great importance. To be more precise, if someone has to catch black bass, he must use a stout pliable rod that has a reel along with at least 200ft or more of 10-15 pound test line. The line should come to a good leader that is 4-5 ft in length that then connects to your hook. I do the vast majority of my bass fishing with lures, and walk up and down the bank of a lake targeting various overhangs, underbrush, underwater structures, or anywhere there is a shadow… in my experience a bass, or group of bass, is far more likely to hang out in shaded areas.

If you choose to use minnows as bait then the hook should be put through/above the minnow’s eyes, but one has to be careful so that the hook may not touch the minnow’s brain. There are several methods for hooking live bait that are further explained else where on the site.
Once you have your tackle set up and your bait picked out it is time to target specific areas of a lake that are more likely to have viable and active bass populations. During the warmer months bass are far more active and will require less “enticing”, but it is still wise to target areas that are more likely to be “bass hot spots”.
Now these of course are just the basics of bass fishing to give you an idea of how to catch a fish on your next trip out, if you would like more information or more bass fishing tips follow the links provided.